
Are My Labs Optimal?
Don't know where to start...don't know which labs are useful? And what to do when you get your results?Grab this gem! Just fill out the form and once complete, submit and your document will be waiting for you to download!

Heal Your Hashi with Keto
7 Day Challenge. 7 daily tasks to implement if you are looking for that nutritional change, and a challenge that can help get you on the road to healthier, dietary choices!

What does it mean to "eat better"?
Food labels can be confusing. Let's make it easy on you so you can start looking better, feeling better and performing better. Yes all of that IS possible when you make small but powerful changes, like cleaning out your fridge and pantry! Get rid of crappy foods and make changes to your diet and supplement protocols. So...BOOM here it is! Grab it!

My 12 weeks to weight loss book
You can thank me now or after you download this GEM. Your complete step by step, week by week guide on how to FINALLY lose weight. This isn't just another diet book, it's what YOU have to do to get your broken metabolism up and running.

Supplement Cheat Sheet
How many supplements are in your cabinet? Are you taking what you need or are you wasting money on products you don't need or that could be harmful to your thyroid? Let's break it down and streamline it...

Thyroid Labs in Optimal Ranges?
Find out WHY you feel the way you feel. Check your symptoms of Hypothyroidism (some may surprise you!). Know OPTIMAL thyroid lab values. Learn why you are being told you are "NORMAL" by your Doctor

3 Things You Can Do Right Now To Lose Fat
Having NOTHING to do with food, meal prep or exercise...really! If you're frustrated and ready to give up on all efforts to lose fat ...these 3 action steps are invaluable! You can do them IMMEDIATELY.

Spring Clean Your Food
Spring Clean Your Food Cheat Sheet. Need help weeding through the "good" and "bad" in your fridge and pantry? If you have thyroid disease, this document is purely a must!

Get the Inflammatory Foods Out of Your Diet
Are you aware of what foods you may be eating that are inflammatory and contributing to ongoing thyroid symptoms? Grab this guide to get started eating the good and tossing the bad...

Get These Labs
Don't know where to start...don't know which labs are useful? And what to do when you get your results?Grab this gem! Just fill out the form and once complete, submit and your document will be waiting for you to download!

Thyroid and Menopause
If you are a woman with a thyroid diagnosis, no matter what stage of your reproductive life, this is a must have freebie download!