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What is your return policy?
What is your return policy?

We want you to be thrilled with your purchase and return for more. However, we understand that you may not be entirely happy. We would like for you to review our return policy found here:

Here are a few points. If you purchase a product within 14 days we will return the product for a full refund.

If you purchased the product within 30 days we will refund up to 80% of the price.


If the product was sold as a sales item, we do not refund products on sale. If the product was on subscription, this is also on a discount and we do not return it.

You may cancel a subscription once you have met the min. 2 required installments

If you need further assistance, contact us at

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I had an adverse reaction to the product, I want a refund.
I tried the product and I dont like it. I want my money back.
I have extra product which is unopened. Can I return or exchange them?
Can I exchange an item?