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Can I take Sleep Fixxr® with other sleep aids?
Can I take Sleep Fixxr® with other sleep aids?

Consult your healthcare provider before combining it with other supplements or medications.

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All of your testimonials appear to be from women. Does your program work for men, too?
How many grams of protein are in one scoop of this collagen?
Can I take all of the products in the weight loss bundle simultaneously?
How long do you need to take this before seeing weight loss results?
Can you take the hormone fixxr if you are already on an oral estrogen and a testosterone patch?
Can I take this at the same at as the Hoshimotos fixer? Also, should I take vitamin c to help with absorption?
Does your supplement contain cinnamon?
Can I take metabolism fixxr and thyroid fixxr together?
Do you ship internationally?
Are all your products gluten free? If not, which ones?
I have taken LDN for many years but still have high TPO numbers. If I try this, would I stop the LDN or keep taking it?
Does this have about 30 calories per scoop like most collagen powders?
Can I take both thyroid fixer and hormone fixer? Would that be too much magnesium?
Can I take the hormone fixxr if I’m trying to get pregnant?
Can I take thyroid fixxer if I dnt think I have thyroid issue? But cant loose weight.. Im 52yrs old and more or less watch my foods and exercise… but weight keeps going up.. but I do want get my metabolism going.. pls advise..
Will the Hormone Fixxr help a man naturally boost testosterone? Would dosing be different?
Does the Metabolism FIXXR have berberine?
How long should you stay on this?
Is this okay to take with Tirosint and T3 medication? Will this alter their absorption and potentcy?
Can you take hormone fixer if you are on HRT including testosterone?
Will this help free testosterone go up? Mine is stuck at 0.5 and I’m on the cream. My testosterone is 123. Which supplements do you think could help this problem.
Do you have any tips on how to mix the FIXXR in water without it tasting chalky?
What supplements could a person take without thyroid glands. Low energy body aches
I just received my first Metabolism Fixxr but it didn't include a scoop.
Are these safe for use while breastfeeding?
If I have hashimotos should I get the thyroid fixer or hashimotos fixer?
If 1200 mg is the best therapeutic dose, why do I need to take 2 per day? Will 1 per day suffice?
Can you take this with Quad Magnesium? I see it also has magnesium but i dont want to overdo it
I want to get it for weight loss but most of the reviews say they feel more energy but no weight loss, is weight loss an expected result if we're dieting and working out?
I'm currently taking BHRT (Testosterone 10mg/Progesterone 25mg) Troche, slow disolve - 1/2 am 1/2 pm QD. At my last blood work my test went from 29 from 24 and my free T was .4 from .8. I'm not sure what any of that means
Can I take the menopause bundle along with Hashimoto fixer and recently started on 50mg of progesterone and a low dose estradiol cream.
Is the amount of each of these vit and min the optimal amount we should be taking daily or should you supplement with other vitamins to make up the difference?
I always take magnesium at night before bed. Is there any particular reason your instructions on your bottle says to take in the morning?
Should or can you take both the thyroid fixr and the thyroid multivitamin together?
I have purchased Thyroid, Liver, and Blood Sugar Fixxr. I also take 75mcg Levothyroxine each morning. Can you please tell me the order and best time of day to take and maximize the benefit of my 3 Fixxr supplements?
I am on 300mg of Levothyroxine daily. Can I take this product?
Can I take the weight loss bundle if I’m already on RX for thyroid and diabetes.
I have hashimoto and take synthroid daily. I’d this supplement safe to take with the synthroid?
Are there fillers or inactive ingredients in the Hashimoto’s fixxer and in the thyroid fixxer?
I struggle with my heart racing due to anxiety. Is this and the thyroid fixxer going to make my heart race.
When is the best time to take Hashimoto’s Fixxr? And, with or without food?
Would this supplement be used instead of iron? Or in addition to the 325mg iron I am currently taking? My ferritin is very low.
Can I take this to support my thyroid if I’m hyperthyroid?
Can I take this product when on compounded T3 and T4 (10mcg, 75mcg respectively) ?
Is it ok to take the Quad Magnesium if you don’t have thyroid issues?
Is it ok o take iodine while on synthroid for hypothyroidism?
Can I take this if I’m not on any prescribed thyroid meds for my high T3? Will it help lower my T3?
I’m currently taking 150mg of NP Thyroid a day. Ho much Thyroid fixxer should I take a day then?
Can someone who had thyroidectomy take these?
As a body builder 47 year old woman can I take Turesterone epicatechin or is this only for men?
Will this affect my thyroid labs and if so in what way?
I had my gallbladder removed and don’t tolerate magnesium citrate 100 mg , which causes loose stools/diarrhea but I have tried magnesium glycinate. Are these tablets that you can divide?
Is it safe to take with tirosint generic?
Does this need to be taken 30 mins after thyroid meds?
I’m on 75mg of armour…can I take both?
When should I take the GSD, I workout after work?
Can I take Tyroid Fixxr while taking 25mg of T3 medication a day?
I’m currently on Armor Thyroid 30 mg. Can I still take Thyroid Fixxr?
Do you take this even if you have no thyroid?
Can this be given to a 16 and 17 year old? They both suffer from and and trouble sleeping.
Do you ship the Thyroid Fixxr supplement to Canada?
Why is maltodextrin added?
Can this supplement be taken by those with (and being treated for) high blood pressure?
I just received the Thyroid Fixxr supplement. Is it okay to take it with my Armour thyroid and liothyronine medications each morning?
I am on NP Thyroid and Liothyronine. Could I also take this with these or would I need to stop them to try this?
Wondering how and when to take this product. Can I take it with my 5:00 AM thyroid meds? How much time away from having coffee and/or food and/or supplements should I take this product? Does it upset the stomach if taken on an empty stomach?
Can I take this if I’m on testosterone cream?
Can I take Thyroid Fixxr while taking synthroid?
When is the recommended time to take this supplement! I also started on blood sugar supplements so I am very excited to see results!
Would you please tell me what ingredients are in HAIR FIXXR . Also, are there any contraindications for people who have Intestinal issues that could be compromised (IBS/GERD and STAGE 111 CKD ) when taking this product ?
What are the ingredients? AKA...the fillers and capsule used.
How is Hair Fixxr different than the other collagen supplement you have?
Should Hormone Fixxr be taken with food or empty stomach?
Hi, what is in the thyroid fixer?
How big are the pills? Capsules? Tablets? Thanks!
I take 5mcg of Cytomel and 90mg of Armour and I take them twice a day (one dose in am and second dose in afternoon) Will taking Thyroid Fixxr interfere with that?
Will this help if you have had a total hysterectomy?
Can I mix the protein and collagen and creatine all in my morning smoothie all together?
I ordered is Creatine, so in the dose instruction it says 5 grams, does that mean one scoop with the provided scoop inside?
How long does it take to feel effects with using Mood Fixxr®?
Can Mood Fixxr® be taken alongside antidepressants?
What benefits does Mood Fixxr® offer?
How long before I see results from using Hair Fixxr®?
Can Hair Fixxr® help with thinning hair?
How does Hair Fixxr® support hair growth?
Is Immune Fixxr® safe for children?
Can I take Immune Fixxr® daily?
What ingredients are in Immune Fixxr®?
Is Sleep Fixxr® habit-forming?
How does Sleep Fixxr® help with sleep?
Is Skin Fixxr® suitable for all skin types?
How soon can I expect results from using Skin Fixxr®?
What are the benefits of Skin Fixxr®?
Can Gut Fixxr® help with bloating?
Is Gut Fixxr® suitable for individuals with food sensitivities?
How does Gut Fixxr® support digestive health?
How often should I take Adrenal Fixxr®?
Can Adrenal Fixxr® help with fatigue?
What does Adrenal Fixxr® do?
Is Collagen Protein Fixxr® 2.0 flavored or unflavored?
How should I incorporate Collagen Protein Fixxr® 2.0 into my routine?
What are the benefits of Collagen Protein Fixxr®?
How long before I see results with the DHT Fixxr ?
Is DHT Fixxr safe for daily use?
What does DHT Fixxr do?
How should I take Hormone Fixxr® for the best results ?
Can men use Hormone Fixxr®?
What is Hormone Fixxr® used for?
Is Liver Fixxr® suitable for everyone?
How long does it take to see results with the Liver Fixxr®?
How long does it take to see results with the Liver Fixxr®?
What are the key ingredients in Liver Fixxr®?
Can I take Blood Sugar Fixxr® with other medications?
Who can benefit from Blood Sugar Fixxr®?
What does Blood Sugar Fixxr® do?
Are there any side effects of Thyroid Fixxr® T2 Supplement?
How should I take Thyroid Fixxr®?
What are the benefits of Thyroid Fixxr®?
The product I want is out-of-stock, when will it be available?
Can you tell me more information about your products?